Friday 9 May 2014

Posted by Unknown |

Emo Scene Fashion Including Emo Hair, Clothing, Makeup & Accessories


Old Skool Emo Guy

Pretty Emo Girl

Blonde Emo Girl

Emo Guy

Hot Emo Guy

Emo Rangers Girl

Emo Guy

Gerard Way Eyeshadow

Emo Girl

Emo Guy
Of course, music although the main part of the equation when evaluating the Emo movement; there is also the wardrobe to consider.
Emo music has even inspired its own subcultural style. Again as with the general definition of emo there is no one definition and there are main two sides to the style - the past and present. soEMO will be mainly referring to the present day emo, scene, etc fashion and style.
Emo fashion has changed dramatically over a period of time and is prevalent mostly among teenagers. It has been described as a perfect outlet for fickle teens trying on personalities. Gothic and punk cultures have a great influence on Emo fashion. Some people wrongly consider emo to follow the common goth look - "chalky white faces, black eyes, lips and clothing." Numerous articles describe the fashion as similar to goth, but more fluffy and sugar-coated by taking basic gothic fashion, (skulls, crosses, too much eyeliner, etc), making it tighter, and adding stripes of colour.
Emo fashion use to be more "nerdy" with defining characteristics like greasy black hair, thick black rimmed glasses and a tight dull-coloured v-neck sweater from grandpa's wardrobe. [see picture top right]
Nowadays emo fashion has evolved and is considered trendier, especially what is now considered as "scene". However, Emo fashion still can be characterised as distinctly non-fashionable. Emo individuals perceive themselves to be outcasts and dress accordingly so as to avoid any appearance of attempting conformity. The emo look has now become considerably widespread and popular in today's society. The look is described in detail below:
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Emo Hair

Probably nothing characterises the Emo look more than the Emo hairstyle, which features:
A long fringe (bangs) brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes, dyed black (and/or other colours), straightened (and layered). Spikes are occasionally accentuated at certain angles of the hair, especially at the back. A common generalization for emo hair is short in the back and long in the front.
However, there are many emo-looking hair styles long or short to choose from and it's important to think outside the box. Emo has its roots in the punk scene, and isn't just limited to black with a long fringe. Hair can be dark brown, black, blond, purple or any color you want - as long as the cut is expressive of a punk rock culture and has a little emo flare. Black hair, for example, may be highlighted with white accents, vibrant red streaks, orange tones, or any other shade the individual prefers. At the same time, any color that is bold and vibrant can be considered an emo look. Wear super girly hair bands, bandannas, ribbons. It's up to you!
It is a misconception that emo styles aren't washed frequently. While some teenagers may choose not to wash their hair regularly, this is not a necessary characteristic of emo styles.
Emo hairstyles are a great way to play around with your look. They allow you to have fun, be creative and unique. An Emo hairstyle treats your hair like a canvas; you have artistic freedom to express who you are, to show off your personal style almost like an art form. The beauty of an Emo hairstyle is how un-uniformed it is; they are asymmetrical and rather choppy.
As a result some emos prefer DIY hair or by cut by a friend at home shunning the processed, rubber-stamped appearance of mainstream hairstyles. A mistake in your cutting could actually turn into an advantage in your Emo look. Although sometimes it is best to visit a trained professional that you can clearly show what you want.
A great sculpting gel and some decent hairspray (don't overdo it) will be a good addition to your hairstyling collection. The right hair products will allow you to mold & shape your Emo hairstyle the way you want it to go.
Finally a pair of straighteners is important for many emo haircuts.
Emo Hair Reference Pictures from Living With Style Forums (sadly nomore?)
Emo Hair Appreciation Myspace Group
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Emo Clothing

The term "slim fitted" is key to dressing emo. By almost all current definitions, Emo clothing is characterised by tight emo jeans (aka drainpipes or skinnies) on males and females alike. Males also sometimes where girls jeans as they "fit better". Dresses and skirts can be worn by girls if properly paired with converse and leg warmers.
Tight emo t shirts which often bear the name of rock bands such as "As I Lay Dying" or "Cute is What We Aim For" with common iconic symbols of emo such as the broken heart, the bleeding heart, stars and the every so popular skull. Vintage shirts are also still popular including vintage-looking printed tees with random things like robots, dinosaurs, or any random icon that makes people think. Originality (at least the illusion of originality) is the key.
A dark coloured zip-hoodie is a classic must have. Like the shirts, the emo hoodies these can be plain or covered in strange ghoulish and self deprecating designs with bleeding hearts, ribs, etc.
Black is probably the most popular colour for all the emo clothing, but certainly not the only colour. Emo's generally wear less black than Goths for example.
Note it's a misconception that emo's have to follow the frail/skinny look.
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Bless The Fall Random Emo's

Emo Accessories

  • Studded belts and large belt buckles. Wearing two belts is cool..
  • Canvas sneakers or skate shoes, or other black emo shoes (often old and beaten up).
    Shoes can be Converse, Vans, or any random shoe that is either plaid or just looks emo. The best option, although very common within every group nowadays, are Converse low tops or high tops, in black
  • If they wear glasses, they will often be nerdy thick, black horn-rimmed emo glasses.
  • Backpacks or messenger bags littered with pins from assorted emo bands or bearing anti-establishment, pro-underground slogans.
  • Fingerless gloves
  • Odd-coloured stripy socks on girls
  • Various multicoloured hair clips on girls and even guys
  • Lots of emo wristbands, bangles, etc
  • Tattoos especially the common emo stars
  • Piercings especially a ring on either side of the lips or snakebites
  • Stretched ears

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Emo Makeup

As for makeup emo's tend to accentuate their eyes with black, red, etc eyeliner and eye shadow. Gerard Way is a good example of someone who embraced this technique with cranberry red eyeshadow. Dark nail polish is also a defining factor on both sexes.
The emo look commonly includes being as pale as your natural skin tone will allow, with the use of a whitening foundation of a super light powder. However, this certainly isn't such a key feature as it is with the goth look.
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And Finally...

Look up emo on Google, find different sources and come to your own conclusions, but don't just dress like a poser and not know anything about it. After all, nobody likes a poser. Just be yourself. Emo is a scene. A music scene. If you want to be emo and dress emo you should really have an interest in the music. People can of course look "emo" and not be into the music though.
Don't become the generic "I hate life", "I'm so depressed", or "I want to die" 'emo' kid. If you feel one of these things, question your reasons for feeling that way. You need to think deeply about things and talk to someone.
Parents and other adults may not understand or like your emo fashion and style. Who cares! Also some people hate emo's, so be warned that you might be disliked for who you are. Just don't listen too much and be what you want to be. It's your life...
Individuals who wear emo hair styles cannot be judged by the way their hair looks any better than they can be judged by the type of music they listen to or the clothes they wear.
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Emo Fashion Videos - Scene Hair / Emo Girls - Emo Scene Girls - Scene / Emo Hair - Emo Haircuts / Scene Hair - How To Style Emo Hair - good vid - How to do Emo / Scene Hair - How To Style Emo Hair - How to Straighten Emo/Scene Hair - How to style emo/scene hair - Another emo guy doing his hair - Emo / Scene Makeup (Teen Makeup Tutorial) - How To Get The Rock Chick Look - Teasing your hair - How to tease emo/scene hair - HOW TO: scene makeup & hair - How To Do Scene Makeup - to get "EMO" Hair in 10 easy steps - How To Become Emo - How To Be Emo by AMONZ - How To Be Emo (long mock documentary) - Fox 11 News Undercover: EMO SCENE KIDS!

Posted by Unknown |

How to Be a Darker Toned Emo Girl

Edited by Wakita, Wingrider, Teresa, Chloe and 12 others
The 'Emo' style appeals to many people. Even people with darker skin tones than others. Some are put down thinking that they can't accomplish the look or the attitude. This article is going to change the way you feel. It will inform you on style tricks and tips just right for your beautiful skin color. and other factors)


  1. 1
    Many people do not understand what emo is. Emo is a genre of music derived from punk with emotional lyrics and was short for emotional hardcore. It now has some bands who sound more like indie, pop punk or alternative rock as it was reinvented. It first started off when a band named Minor Threat had an idea. Minor Threat fan Guy Picciotto carried out the idea and joined a band called Rites of Spring. Even though Rites of Spring reject the idea of being the first emo band they're classed as one of the firsts. Today emo is a style consisting of studded belts, converse and tight jeans. Read on to come to grips with the emo fashion.
  2. 2
    Hair: Now that you understand the emo sub-genre, you can begin with the styling and creating your emo look. Hair is a big part of making the Emo look. Remember: Emo isn't just an attitude, but a fashion as well. Your hair doesn't have to be straight, but it's the basic emo hair style. Emo hair is very straight and is cut into choppy layers. Getting your hair cut by a professional is good even though it may cost you a big sum of money but at least it'll come out looking great. However, if you can't afford it, or just don't have time get someone you trust and knows what they're doing to cut it. Doing the back can be quite hard, so it's best to have a person do this step for you. Once you have the cut, its time for color. Base colors (natural hair) doesn't have to be black. It can be a bleach blonde. Jet blacks and Bleach blondes are the typical. Add streaks of colors into the layers so it looks it looks like a pop of color in the plain hair. Also, another key factor in the hair is the bangs! These MUST be pen straight and cut at an angle so that the bang completely covers half of the face. Be sure it's diagonal though. You can also add streaks to bangs. Popular colors used in emo hair, is blue, neon green, purple, and red. Buy a razor and teasing comb so you can touch up your haircut. Emos tend to have neat hair that is in good condition along with shiny fullness. You can even spike the back to give it more character, but not the messy spikes. Curly emo hair just needs some color and a a pen straight bang.
  3. 3
    Clothes: Don't think your limited to certain clothes. Emo clothing has a large variety of choices. The basics are very simple and it's likely you already have them. Clothes of the emo style are usually two sizes to small, but if it makes you uncomfortable, year your normal size. Just don't let them be two sizes to big. Starting with shirts, they have NO logos. If not that that, their emo bands. The jeans are also tight, aka skinny jeans. They are usually black, but to avoid being called goth, you should change up some colors. Popular colors are purple, red, blue, and green. Jewelry such as sex bracelets, aka rubber bracelets, necklaces with sentimental value along with simple colored homemade bracelets are acceptable. Belts are usually the checkered ones you see in Hot Topic. You can change up the colors, but EVERY emo has a black and white checkered belt. Converse and vans are a requirement! Its also good to paint your nails black along with some black or silver rings.
  4. 4
    Makeup: Emo makeup is fairly simple. But since you have darker skin tones, I'll explain how to do it for your skin tone. Also watch the video on how to do the base. It's important. Since emo virtually have no blemishes, you want to put concealer and foundation on, as shown in the video. It gives the look of perfect skin. All you need to get is the right color for your skin. The technique  works on everyone. Emo makeup is fairly simple. All you need is mascara (girls), eyeliner (boys & girls), and a light gloss (girls). Boys can also wear a light powder. You can get the tutorial on the eye makeup and makeup base using these links. Makeup Base: Eye Makeup:
  5. 5
    Since emo means emotive hardcore you'll be needing to listen to some emo bands. Some suggestions are Rites of Spring, Embrace (American band), Moss Icon, Indian Summer, Gray Matter, Hum, Cap'n Jazz, Twelve Hour Turn, Braid, The Promise Ring, I Hate Myself, Yage and Turning Point. Some second wave emo bands are Sunny Day Real Estate, Texas Is The Reason and Loud?. Some screamo bands are I Would Set Myself On Fire For You, Portraits of Past, Orchid, The Saddest Landscape, Pg.99, Pianos Come The Teeth, City of a Caterpillar, Circle Takes The Square and Funeral Diner.
  6. 6
    Hobbies: Being emo is about expressing feelings differently to other people. They usually write poems or songs, draw, photograph, or play an instrument. If you want to write or draw, keep a notebook or sketchpad with you at all times. Even decorate it. Emos love to doodle on their things. If any ideas or inspiration hits you, you'll already have your special journal with you whether its a poem, song lyrics, or in this case drawings. You can play an instrument, such as guitar, drums, bass, violin even! Have an area set up in your room to play. Even write musical notes along the way.
  7. 7
    Get the Emo attitude. Be emotional. However, do cry if something is too sad like a break-up, divorce or death. Break-ups can be with a boyfriend or girlfriend or even with a friend. Care about other people. Emo's are in touch with their emotions and are very empathic, because of this, are great people to talk to when you are feeling down.
  8. 8
    Be a good student. Being Emo doesn't mean failing every subject. Getting good grades will help  teachers and parents loosen up on you, especially if they're unhappy with your "new style". Do your homework and hand things in on time. Study for tests. Be punctual, and polite. You don't have to suck up to people - just be a good student.
  9. 9
    Work around your uniform, if you have to wear one. Are you stuck with school blazers and checked dresses? If you've been restricted by a dress code or uniform, don't panic. Try wearing a long sleeved, black shirt under your uniform shirt, and rolling the sleeves up. Put badges on your tie, bag and blazer. If you can, wear knee length socks, or converse. Leggings, tights and fishnets go well underneath school skirts. If you have to wear a certain color of tights, try ripping them or making ladders. Paint your nails and wear bracelets or wristbands. Try to be very careful. Know where you can push things and when you can't.

Posted by Unknown |
How to become emo                                                                     Music
Emo was originally a kind of music .. So you should be interested in this type .. For example learning
Play a musical instrument or buy one .. Even if you do not have sufficient amount of cash
Bank have demonstrated one and took photographs of you and your machine such as the guitar .. Or you can simply
Writing words >> notice IMO .. Estimated that you think you write too many feelings but choose them
Bad feelings and unfortunate .. Means, for example, the sunrise and the rainbow and these cute things
Can not be emo .. Try to write your words and you are upset or angry even come up with ideas
Bad .. Mark hair emo way to breathe omitted all your problems if you do not have problems Vastunaha
Best vocals emo teams that they are advised to listen to the
My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy


                             Hair Color
Natural color of the hair can not be a real emo .. The best way Haya dye your hair
Oh dark black as coal or blond and white can add more color and give it
Spangle Liban brilliant .. But be careful not to add many colors lose a correct form IMO


                             Hair Style
Majority in the hair is very long at the front .. The covers must be at least
One eye .. They base when emo means that you do not want to see the world, or make him see you

How beautiful you are, emo  and I love since I was very young and I will stay in love forever

I didn't choose 2 be an emo ..
It's in my blood ..
I really feel cool with that ..
And I'm better than good ..
I love black clothes .. I love pink colors ..
I love ''ROCK'' music ..
And I care about the others ..
And I want 2 say that I don't care ..
About what people think of me .. and how they always stare ..
They say that we are crazy .. But I don't think that's fair ..
Cuz people actually don't get crazy .. if they change .. their style .. and their hair ..
We love .. we hate .. and we r cool ..
We've got our amazing friends at school ..
Everybody's judging us .. and we're always not allowed ..
But I don't care about them any more .. and I'm gonna scream so loud ..
I'm an EMO , cool girl ..
Which of that .. I'm very proud ..

Mixed feelings .. &% I IMO I &%

Tbgo let us know .. ÔćÝć eyes

Malleha black .. All depression

My grief .. My gaze Hoam

For current live .. Grief and they

The case g .. Maahd Adrebe

Not a father or a mother .. I am far from a brother and close

I live placebo .. Forgot religious

Asit and religious .. Cut Adana

Pusey Style .. And moody Diem Mo Hai

My beginning art and fashion .. Fashion fad and fantasy

Each people Chuffine .. Hi Class

I Ayesh .. Mandated Mahtas

Play with my mind .. Sneaking whisperer

Both ends now .. Scalpel or bullets [b] [i]